Here we are again. I completely forgot about the blog thing again. It's at the top of my Google Chrome; you'd think I would remember to write more frequently.
I'm currently working on Book 3 - Shadows in the Forest - and my goal is to have it finished by the end of January so my beta readers can read it over the course on February and I can do proper edits and have it published in, hopefully, early March. It would coincide right along with the time I'd be getting out of quarantine, and what better way to end quarantine than to have two books written and published?
Lofty goals, I know. Especially considering how slow this third book is in coming. I'm only just over the 58,000 word mark today and my goal is to at least be 59k words in by the time I wrap up today. I have two scenes I need to get through.
Book 3, Shadows in the Forest, is a more complex story. There are a lot of forces at play in this third installment of the Abernathy Series. Our sarcastic Detective Ali Rivers is forcibly promoted (Jerry, too!) while working to solve two murders. This story is considerably darker than the first two, just to give fair warning. There's a lot more blood and Ali ends up the target of at least one murder attempt. Luckily, she has people watching her back, notably dependable-yet-mysterious Daniel. We get to learn more about his past in this story, albeit most of it still shrouded in secrecy.
As I'm in the middle of this story, it's a bit hard to give much of a synopsis - especially considering I haven't quite figured out the ending just yet. Suffice to say, one man is murdered in a field via a broken neck, and another man gets sliced-and-diced to bits in a cargo container in another field.
I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope everyone took time to remember what we're thankful for this year.
Alas, I've got to get back to writing. I've taken enough time off between Thanksgiving and today. Have a wonderful weekend!
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