Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Brief History of Hubble

It is currently almost 4:30 in the morning. I've been awake for three hours. I have to be up in about an hour and a half. I'm trying to get some writing done and pay bills with my internet crapping out every few minutes. Super productive, I know.

My husband has suggested I make a blog post about our cat, Hubble. He says it'll make me more appealing to readers - all none of you, so far.

My cat's name, as you've clearly figured out, is Hubble. We've had her for 7 years. She's a complicated creature, and not just in that cantankerous, difficult attitude cats have. I got her through a friend of a friend and while I regret relying on said friend (former friend, now, for other reasons than this), I do not regret my decision to take Hubble out of that place. Hubble was one of 9 kittens. The mom and dad cats were both indoor and outdoor cats, as were the two giant German Shepherds. They didn't keep the kittens separate from the giant dogs and to my utter horror and disgust, the kittens were covered in fleas. I wasn't sure I wanted any of the kittens - they didn't seem too friendly or outgoing. However, when I saw her covered in fleas, that sealed the deal. One of those kittens was coming home with me, come Hell or high water. I picked one - any one at that point, and asked if we were still good to take her home. The woman said yes and reassured me of her being the proper age to remove her from her family. I delicately asked about flea medication, and the woman hands me some flea medication. Just a stack of those drop packets on her end table, not being used on the kittens. Un-freaking-believable, right? We get her home, give her a flea bath, much to her displeasure. Over the coming weeks, it was apparent Hubble wasn't just the runt of the litter - she was, in fact, a good four weeks younger than what we were told and basically we took her from her mother way too early.

Hubble has issues. She's easily hostile. She likes to bite - a lot. She's not affectionate - at least, she doesn't like snuggles or cuddles when my husband or I initiate. At night, though, she hops up in bed with us and snuggles by my shins for hours.  It's pretty nice. And lately we've been able to get her to like getting good rubs on her back. Progress, folks - it's only taken 7 years.

Hubble, like all cats, has a knack for trolling the one person in the room that doesn't like cats. My mother, in this case. My mom's just not an animal person, but she calls Hubble her "grandcat" and brings treats and packs of toys for Hubble every single time she visits, without fail. And interestingly enough, Hubble's favorite toys are usually the ones my mom gets her (with a few exceptions of the ones I've gotten her). She loves those fuzzy balls that have the tinsel sticking out all over. We call them Fuzzies. She. Loves. Her. Fuzzy.

She has a special meow for "Mama" (me, obviously, as I gloat typing that). I'm her favorite person, in whatever limited capacity she has favorites.

So there you have it. Seven years of drama and insanity in a nutshell with my adorable cat, Hubble.

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