Thursday, February 6, 2020


    I thought a good first blog post ought to be about my current, recently-published book, Still Waters Run Deep.
I started writing it in October of 2018 and finished it, I believe, in February or March of 2019. I know that sounds
crazy, but I will tell you, the words flew out of my fingers most days. I don't even know where the inspiration really
came from. I was at work one day and the opening scene of my book kind of popped in my head. I sat on it for a f
ew days and then decided, on a slow day at work, to type it out and just see what happened from there.
The story quickly took shape and before I knew it, characters had lives of their own and I finally understood
what writers meant when they said, "I love my characters."

Let's talk about the main characters.

Alison Rivers - She's a detective for Abernathy PD. She's feisty, smart as a whip, and relies on her gut instinct a
 lot of the time. She's a single woman, not really ready to settle down and get married. She's very sarcastic
 and doesn't put up with a lot of BS, either. She has solid relationships with Jerry, Elmer, Daniel, her mother,
and Carrie. Her dad passed away several years before this novel. Her dad taught her how to shoot, defend
herself in a fight, hunt, and all other manner of things tomboy. Ali is somewhat in denial about her feelings
towards Dr. Flannigan ("Elmer"). There's some obvious chemistry between the two, but it seems to be put on
 the back-burner a lot.

Jerry Crews - Ali's partner. He's married to Estelle, who is an excellent baker and cook.
Her products are always held in high regard and are always in high demand. Jerry was good friends
with Ali's dad, so he and Ali have a somewhat complicated relationship. He treats Ali like he would a partner,
 but there's a fatherly sort of affection (or maybe an uncle sort of affection?) he has for her.
 Ali is older than his own children, and Ali comments that she is like a cousin to his children,
rather than just the partner of their father.

Beverly Rivers - Ali's mom. Ali's mom is an avid crocheter and a very loving, affectionate mother to Ali.
She wants the best for Ali and supports her being a cop like her father was, but sometimes she wishes
Ali wasn't always searching for killers and bad guys. She has high hopes for Ali to settle down and get
married and giver her grand-babies. She has no issue with being sneaky or underhanded in her attempts
to set Ali up on blind dates (which usually go horribly awry). Despite her machinations, she and Ali really
do have a wonderful relationship.

Carrie - Ali's best friend, her sister from another mister. Ali and Carrie have been lifelong friends. Carrie,
like Ali's mother, wants to see Ali in a settled relationship, but doesn't meddle in making those aspirations
a reality. She does subtly push Ali towards Dr. Flannigan, but she doesn't do the manipulative
machinations her mother does. Carrie always has Ali's back. She's funny, sweet, and loyal to a fault.

I hope this helps give some insight to my characters. I will wrote another post about the other characters
soon so you can get to know them as well.

Signing off because I have work to do,


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